BEng Aerospace Engineering  

Course delivery is a well-balanced combination of theory and practical sessions. In your first two years, you will gain solid knowledge and understanding of key aerospace engineering principles. You’ll also develop your reflective skills and professional development planning through the professional engineering practice module. In your final year, you move on to specialist topics such as propulsion systems and flight testing. You will also work on your industry-relevant individual research project.
An aerospace engineering degree from Brunel will equip you with innovative technical knowledge and transferable skills relevant to demanding careers in the aerospace, aeronautical and related industries. Some students have job offers before they graduate. They take up employment in fields such as aircraft and components design and manufacture, maintenance and testing, flight simulation, aviation, avionics and patent engineering. Brunel’s high-calibre graduates are working for prestigious organisations, including: Rolls-Royce, Airbus, British Airways, BAE Systems, GE Aviation, Thales, Bombardier, Lockheed Martin and the Ministry of Defence. Opting for the year in industry during your aerospace engineering degree often leads to a job offer from your placement company.
BEng Aerospace Engineering

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